Walpack, NJ

16 years 2 months ago #1 by momma
Walpack, NJ was created by momma
Hey Pat, in the pics, where is it that u and Dad went? Someones house?

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16 years 2 months ago #2 by beyondtheblack
Replied by beyondtheblack on topic Other Place?
They went to waldos house and Pat stole Waldos sweater. :o o o o

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16 years 2 months ago #3 by momma
Replied by momma on topic Other Place?

Beyond the Black wrote: They went to waldos house and Pat stole Waldos sweater. :o o o o

LMAO! Wonderful!

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16 years 2 months ago #4 by beyondtheblack
Replied by beyondtheblack on topic Other Place?

Momma wrote: LMAO! Wonderful!

Ah how nice, you washed and pressed Pats sweater for him, you're such a good sis! :D ;)

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16 years 2 months ago #5 by momma
Replied by momma on topic Other Place?
hahaha, yes, I even polished the white stripes!

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16 years 2 months ago #6 by misterpat
Replied by misterpat on topic Other Place?
Nice sweater!

Thats an old house in Walpack, NJ. Its back by Buttermilk Falls.

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16 years 2 months ago #7 by momma
Replied by momma on topic Other Place?

MisterPat wrote: Nice sweater!

Thats an old house in Walpack, NJ. Its back by Buttermilk Falls.

Ahhh, I see...Is there anything interesting about it, or it's just a cool old house...

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16 years 2 months ago #8 by misterpat
Replied by misterpat on topic Other Place?

Momma wrote:
Ahhh, I see...Is there anything interesting about it, or it's just a cool old house...

Just a cool old house in the park. Here is some stuff I found that explains the area a little better.

Back in 1962, it seems that the Army Corps of Engineers decide to start planning a big dam near Tocks Island. The area of Walpack Centre was going to be flooded to create a lake the size of Lake Michigan.
As soon as the plans were announced, residents from both New Jersey and Pennsylvania got pissed. The residents opposed the dam project. Apperently, the Army Corps decided to play hardball (actually, bully) by doing things like threatening to abandon maintenance of local roads. This would make it impossible for emergency vehicles, school buses and suplly trucks to get to the towns. Many residents left, recieving less then market value for their homes. Some residents stayed behind, which eventually got the attention of the press.
The press coverage helped to gain the attention of environmentalists. These guys realized that there were some serious problems with the dam project. First, it would cause a build up of salmonella in area reservoirs. Second, the dam itself was to be built on unstable glacial land deposits, which would increase its chances of breaking. The environmetalists were able to gain national press coverage, with articles in the New York Times and Playboy Magazine.
The not-so-smart Army Corps of Engineers made a dumb move. They decided to fund their dam/lake (lol) project by renting out the homes they had taken (forcefully) from the original residents. They actually ran the add for "houses for rent" in the local paper, The Village Voice. Almost immedeately, the place was taken over by hippies, bikers and wanderers. Most didn't even pay rent, they simply took over. (Squatters) The overflow of squatters spilled into Pensylvania, taking over the abandoned houses there as well. The local residents were extremely pissed that these poeple had taken over the homes of friends and family, while collecting welfare checks from the local community.
The tension between the locals and squatters was at a head. The Army Corps of Engineers was actually the first to move on this. In 1974 (yes, 12 years after they announced they were planning this project), an army of state troopers and US Marshals arrived at the area. Armed with ev everything from shotguns to tear gas, they forced the squatters out.When the last had been cleared out, the bulldozers came in. Many homes were demolished, some that were historically important. As you might have guessed, this was another dumb move. Just about everyone spoke up against that. The State of New Jersey withdrew its support for the project and the State of Delaware condemned the project because it would effect the quality of their water supply.
In 1978, Congress finally killed the project. The result is abandoned towns all around the valleys of the Delaware Water Gap.

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16 years 2 months ago #9 by momma
Replied by momma on topic Other Place?
Wow, cool, now I wanna go there, and I'm close to that...

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16 years 2 months ago #10 by misterpat
Replied by misterpat on topic Other Place?

Momma wrote: Wow, cool, now I wanna go there, and I'm close to that...

Sad part is that once it was disclosed on the internet, It got trashed.

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16 years 2 months ago #11 by momma
Replied by momma on topic Other Place?
That sucks...

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16 years 1 month ago - 14 years 3 months ago #12 by misterpat
Replied by misterpat on topic Walpack, NJ
Took a ride around Walpack today. Went by the old yellow house. Seems like ever since it got mentioned on the internet it has been beaten to death. Since the last time I was there, most of the walls are kicked in, all the windows are gone and there was a fire lit right on the original hardwood floor. This house is so old, the main beams in the basement are full trees. The sides were cut down to make them somewhat dimensional.


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16 years 1 month ago #13 by momma
Replied by momma on topic Walpack, NJ
Isn't amazing how little people can care about certain things...

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16 years 1 month ago #14 by beyondtheblack
Replied by beyondtheblack on topic Walpack, NJ
So you just park right in the driveway and thats it? No concern of police driving around patrolling?

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16 years 1 month ago #15 by misterpat
Replied by misterpat on topic Walpack, NJ

Beyond the Black wrote: So you just park right in the driveway and thats it? No concern of police driving around patrolling?

Nope, just park there and enjoy! Its getting bad there. Like the floors in OB we were on when drummer split look great to the ones there.

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16 years 1 month ago #16 by karen
Replied by karen on topic Walpack, NJ
Nice pictures. I used to drive by there when I visited Tilman's Ravine.

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16 years 1 month ago #17 by beyondtheblack
Replied by beyondtheblack on topic Walpack, NJ
So is this place located in a rural area? No traffic I take it going through the neighborhood? How many homes are there? Do you have a google map of the place?

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16 years 1 month ago #18 by momma
Replied by momma on topic Walpack, NJ

Beyond the Black wrote: So is this place located in a rural area? No traffic I take it going through the neighborhood? How many homes are there? Do you have a google map of the place?

Yeah, I wanna go there too...

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16 years 1 month ago - 14 years 3 months ago #19 by misterpat
Replied by misterpat on topic Walpack, NJ
This is the best I could get.


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16 years 1 month ago #20 by beyondtheblack
Replied by beyondtheblack on topic Walpack, NJ
Whats the address there? I'll go there and check it out for myself this week. When you going back there? I'll come. Doesn't look like much, what 2 houses there? I'm free tomorrow if you wanna go..

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