Sandy Hook

15 years 1 month ago #1 by insanebuslady
Sandy Hook was created by insanebuslady
I'm looking for someone with a decent knowledge of Sandy Hook's military abandonments.. I've done a little snooping around there this summer and what I've found is pretty impressive, but I'm sure I'm only scratching the surface. One of the hardest bits of exploring this place is just knowing where the stuff is.. I know that there is stuff EVERYWHERE.

If anyone knows this place at all (or if you just want to go poke around), let me know, I'm willing to drive. It might be kinda cold but the undergrowth is pretty junlge-ish in the summer

I'll get what pics I have up soon but heres my Flickr anyways

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15 years 1 month ago #2 by rattlehead
Replied by rattlehead on topic Sandy Hook
I'm down to go bus lady i think that place is very interesting, I'll pm you my digits and we can discuss a time that is reasonable.

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15 years 1 month ago #3 by lithiumbaby
Replied by lithiumbaby on topic Sandy Hook
I'll ask to see what my buddy has to say cause he lives in the area.... well sorta. I'm sure he knows of a place or two.


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15 years 1 month ago #4 by rattlehead
Replied by rattlehead on topic Sandy Hook
The Hook is Federal Government Property so sneaking around in those old batteries and missle silos is forbiden yet theres plenty to see and truthfully you really don't need to go inside to get a good look or the best pictures as your able to get plenty close enough without the risk of injury or being arressted. I love going there to Fish and Swim, not to mention theres a decent resturant and seafood spot right in that area.

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  • Anonymous
15 years 1 month ago #5 by Anonymous
Replied by Anonymous on topic Sandy Hook
A bunch of old underground silo's were built there during the cold war to prevent an attack. Built like just after the cuban missle crisis. Chances are you wont even know there is one if you were staning on top of it. I usually go fish for stripers on the beach when they are in season. My memory is shot but I think i remember seeing a silo about 2 miles out from the beach thats raised. Oh and make sure to take binoculars to see all the military ships that patrol that area....its quite overkill.

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15 years 1 month ago #6 by rattlehead
Replied by rattlehead on topic Sandy Hook
Raxor your not kidding, the fishing is great during season plus as you said bring binoculars as you can see quite a bit off the coast. I would also like to add you can walk trails all throughout the property and catch plenty of surprizes along the way.

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  • Anonymous
15 years 1 month ago #7 by Anonymous
Replied by Anonymous on topic Sandy Hook
hey ratle you think there is a still a ICM, a minuteman or nothing there now.

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15 years 1 month ago #8 by rattlehead
Replied by rattlehead on topic Sandy Hook
If I new just exactly what the hell you were talking about I could respond alot better lol, I'm in space with this one.

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  • Anonymous
15 years 1 month ago #9 by Anonymous
Replied by Anonymous on topic Sandy Hook
ok if you look out on the beach with binoculars, youll see this kinda just raised a bit concrete structure. Go there the next week, youll see it has not moved. Hell go there the next day and it hasnt moved. Its a missile silo above ground to protect the coast from incoming u still think its active? If not i would think they would have destroyed it a long time ago.

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15 years 1 month ago #10 by rattlehead
Replied by rattlehead on topic Sandy Hook
Oh ok I understand honestly I am not sure but if you had a small boat you could always go out there and drive by.

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15 years 1 month ago #11 by msterscary
Replied by msterscary on topic Sandy Hook

raxor wrote: hey ratle you think there is a still a ICM, a minuteman or nothing there now.

Everything has been removed already. If it wasn't I'm sure someone would have blown themselves up already.

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15 years 1 month ago #12 by lessthanchris1
Replied by lessthanchris1 on topic Sandy Hook
They are all underground and empty. Check out and look at the "Abandoned and Neglected" forum, they have pics from inside!

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15 years 1 month ago #13 by insanebuslady
Replied by insanebuslady on topic Sandy Hook
Can't see any pictures on that forum. Do I have to be a member?

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